Cultural Traits and Gender Roles

The culture this region has a rich and long maintained history. From diet to dress, to music and dance, to century old festival and holiday traditions, each one of the countries in these region has a diverse cultural background ingrained into their society. In China they even trace there ethnic heritage back to the “original” people, who they believe are the ‘Han.’


Gender roles in most of East Asia are also dictated by culture. Much of this region was male dominated for a very long time, but this region of the world is also advancing rapidly, and so is the issue of gender inequality. There is still a noticeable bais towards women, but not a lack of opportunities for things like education.!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/gallery_1200/91x0lla4.jpg

Pulsipher, L.M. & Pulsipher, A. A. (2014, Jan 6). World Regional Geography Without Subregions: Global Patterns, Local Lives. New York: W. H. Freeman and Company.

Language and Religion in East Asia

In terms of language, because of their population density, Mandarin Chinese is the most spoken language in this region, but not in every country. There is also Mongolian, Korean, Japanese, Taiwanese, and many dialects and aboriginal languages.

The religion that dominates this region is Buddhism (in several different forms), but there is also a large population of Taoists, Confucianists, and some Christians.


Pulsipher, L.M. & Pulsipher, A. A. (2014, Jan 6). World Regional Geography Without Subregions: Global Patterns, Local Lives. New York: W. H. Freeman and Company.

Climate in East Asia

East Asia has a broad range of climate due to the vast range of elevations and humidities it encases. There is high altitude very cold region in the Himalayan Mountains. To the East there is temperate and winter climates, and even a small amount of tropical climates to the Southern most portion of the region. There is also arid/ dry deserts and plateau in Mongolia and N. China. Then to the Northeastern area we find continental cooler humid climates.

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Pulsipher, L.M. & Pulsipher, A. A. (2014, Jan 6). World Regional Geography Without Subregions: Global Patterns, Local Lives. New York: W. H. Freeman and Company.

Major Physical Features of East Asia

Much of East Asia is dominated by different steppe landscapes. Within this area there is also the world’s tallest mountain range the Himalayas, which also form the Plateau of Tibet. There is also deserts such as the Taklimakan Desert.

Major rivers and basins include Amur River or Heilong Jiang, Yellow River or Huang He, and the Yangtze which are all in China.


Pulsipher, L.M. & Pulsipher, A. A. (2014, Jan 6). World Regional Geography Without Subregions: Global Patterns, Local Lives. New York: W. H. Freeman and Company.

Currently in South Asia

“Nepal earthquake: Dozens die in new tremor near Everest”

Two weeks after the devastating earthquake that killed around 8,000 people, injured thousands, and displaced even more in Nepal, another quake near Mt. Everest has hit. This earthquake was a 7.3, while the last was a 7.8. Around fifty people were killed by the second quake and over a thousand injured.  The east districts of Kathmandu are believed to have been hit the worst by this quake. The quakes have also triggered a number of landslides. It was also followed by six 5.0 – 6.3 aftershocks.

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No author. (2015). Nepal earthquake: Dozens die in new tremor near Everest. BBC News: World – Asia. Retrieved from

Major Ecological Issues in South Asia

South Asia has a wide range of ecological issues. A lot of these issues have to do with water. The dense population, that is relatively recent, has lead to over use of water, and now water shortages. There is also major water pollution, much of which has to do with people dumbing things (and human remains) into water supplies. This water problem has also lead to crop failure, and thus food supply problems.

Indian men search for coins and gold in the polluted waters of the Ganga river at Sangam after the Kumbh Mela festival, in Allahabad on April 2, 2013.  The two month long Kumbh Mela, celebrated every 12 years at the conjunction of two sacred rivers on the outskirts of the northern Indian city of Allahabad, drew massive crowds of devotees, ascetics and foreign tourists till its conclusion on March 10.  AFP PHOTO/SANJAY KANOJIA        (Photo credit should read Sanjay Kanojia/AFP/Getty Images)

Ganga river 

There is also problems with deforestation due commercial logging, as well as expansed human habitats.

Air pollution is also a major issue due to coal plants and emissions. The issue is so bad it has lead to acid rains strong enough to destroy crops.

Pulsipher, L.M. & Pulsipher, A. A. (2014, Jan 6). World Regional Geography Without Subregions: Global Patterns, Local Lives. New York: W. H. Freeman and Company.

Gender Roles in South Asia

Gender roles in South Asia have a notorious and dark history, particularly in India. In the current time it is possible for females in this region to move up in terms of educations and status, but there is still a horrific number of practices in place today that are simply ignored. Things like “bride burning” if a woman shames her family, the higher illiteracy rate among women, the dowry practices which inspire killing of female babies, and general disrespect towards females.

Women in Nepal.

Pulsipher, L.M. & Pulsipher, A. A. (2014, Jan 6). World Regional Geography Without Subregions: Global Patterns, Local Lives. New York: W. H. Freeman and Company.

Political Traits in South Asia

It has been since the late 1940’s since this region has seen its freedom and has been allowed to construct their own governmental systems. For the most part democracies have been implemented in these countries, but conflict does arise out of the power religion should play in the political realm in this area. Also, countries like Pakistan are still under authoritarian regime.

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Pulsipher, L.M. & Pulsipher, A. A. (2014, Jan 6). World Regional Geography Without Subregions: Global Patterns, Local Lives. New York: W. H. Freeman and Company.

Language, Religion, and Culture in South Asia

Within this region of the world there are literally dozens of different languages spoken, many within just a few miles of one another. India for example speaks mainly Hindi, Urdu, Gujarati, Bengali, Panjabi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, and Marathi, but there are even more dialects and tribal languages.

The religious concentration in this area is most heavily Hindu, followed by Islam, and then Buddhism (which is mostly in the Northern countries near the Himalayas).

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The cultural standards and traits in this region as primarily based off of religious practices as well. Much of daily life is reflective of religious values, even things like dress and diet.

Pulsipher, L.M. & Pulsipher, A. A. (2014, Jan 6). World Regional Geography Without Subregions: Global Patterns, Local Lives. New York: W. H. Freeman and Company.